I would like to introduce you all Mr. Squirt McBird. “Squirtie” is a 13 year old Meyers parrot (Poicephalus meyeri) and is an all around goof ball and a good natured feathered ham.

Quite often, when we he sees us come into the family room and he is in his cage, he will quickly slide down to the bottom of the cage and puff out his feathers while holding his wings up and dance around. All the while repeating the word “Biiiiiiirrrrrrrdiiiiiieeee” over and over again.

He will stop after a minute or two if you just pass him by. That is of course, unless you join in his dance. Holding your arms out and saying “Biiiiirrrrrdddddiiiiieeeee” is of course required. In which case, you can easily keep him dancing around for 20–30 minutes. You will probably tire before he does.

Sometimes he mixes up his routine by sliding his beak on the ground and “skiing” for a foot or so, standing up and turning in some new direction and doing it again. I kind of reminds me of a really bad stereotype of the Tango.

This should do for a brief intro Mr. Squirt McBird.
Until next time, this is The End!!

Great shots of such a colorful “Squirtie”…he looks like quite a character!